The ZeeRex DTD FAQ

22nd March 2002

1. Introduction
2. Questions and Answers
        2.1. The <author> element
        2.2. Indexes which may be scannable
        2.3. The attributeSet attribute
        2.4. Relations supported on an index

1. Introduction

This ought to be a nice, neat document that you can read from top to bottom and come away with a profound understanding of the ZeeRex DTD; but since we don't have time to write it yet, we're putting it together on a rather ad-hoc basis for now.

Inclusion on this list is rather a haphazard affair: it's not necessary for a question to be asked frequently to make it into this document, but it does need to be arbitrarily judged ``interesting''. So this should really be called an AQ (Asked Questions), but the term ``FAQ'' is too well established to change.

2. Questions and Answers

2.1. The <author> element

Per M. Hansen <> asks:

In the databaseInfo section there is a "author" field. Is this the author of the database? Shouldn't it rather be "organization" or something like that?

Rob Sanderson <> replies: Author is 'the entity to be credited with the creation of the database'. Sometimes this will be an organisation, othertimes a personal author.

2.2. Indexes which may be scannable

Per M. Hansen <> asks:

In the indexInfo section if you don't know if an attribute is scannable should you set "scan=false" in the "index" tag or should it be absent?

Rob Sanderson <> replies: All true/false attributes have an explicit default value of false. Therefore you can leave them out without any ambiguity.

2.3. The attributeSet attribute

Per M. Hansen <> asks:

In the indexInfo/index section I have:
            <attr type="access" attributeSet="bib-1">1</attr>
            <attr type="semantic" attributeSet="1.2.840.10003.3.1">1</attr>

Is that correct if the attribute in question is a Bib1 attribute? If not could someone please explain what the attributeSet and data (1) refers to?

Rob Sanderson <> replies: I think this doesn't make sense, in that bib1 has no concept of semantic qualifiers?

2.4. Relations supported on an index

Ralph LeVan <> asks:

When I build an interface to a database, I like to let them know what indexes support [exact] searches and which indexes support keyword searches.

Rob Sanderson <> replies: We can do that, as <configInfo> is possible within <index>, e.g.

	  <map><name set="dc">title</name></map>
	    <supports type="relation">=</supports>
	    <supports type="relation">exact</supports>

Feedback to <> is welcome!